Christian Legal Fellowship Board Statement on Racism
As Christians, we believe that every person is lovingly created by God in His own image, and endowed equally with intrinsic dignity and immeasurable worth (Genesis 1:27). Attitudes and behaviours which reject this God-given equality and sanctity of life are an affront not only to our human brothers and sisters as fellow image-bearers, but to God himself. God shows no partiality (Acts 10:34-35), created one race of diverse members, tribes, and nations (Acts 17:26), and desires unity and reconciliation (Galatians 3:28; Romans 10:12-13; Revelation 7:9).
We recognize, to our deep lament, that the sin of racism – individual and societal attitudes and behaviours which reject these truths, and which privilege or devalue individuals based on their skin colour or ethnicity – has long-existed in Canada. This has caused deep-seeded brokenness and harm, requiring repentance, forgiveness, and healing. As leaders of Christian Legal Fellowship – a multi-ethnic community of Christian lawyers and law students – we seek all three of these ends.
We denounce racism in all forms. We denounce all acts which disregard the sanctity and inherent worth bestowed by God upon every person. We lament that such disregard has been visited, at both an individual and institutionalized level, on Indigenous people and people of colour in Canada.
We call on our Christian brothers and sisters to join us in seeing if “there is any offensive way” in our hearts, repenting where we have fallen short, and seeking forgiveness from others and from God (Psalm 139:24).
We recognize that social disparities and injustices continue to exist which require societal reform. CLF will continue to urge our government to address such disparities and injustices, in furtherance of this bedrock principle of our legal system: that every person has intrinsic and equal dignity, and is entitled to the equal protection and benefit of the law. We invite them, and our churches, to join us in working toward the meaningful realization of this principle for those who remain in need of its application.
Racism is an injustice. God hates injustice: it grieves Him and breaks His heart (Proverbs 17:15, Proverbs 11:1, Genesis 5:5-6, Isaiah 1:16-17). It should also break ours. May we seize every opportunity to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8).
Shawn Smith
Roger Song
John Lockhart
Philip Fourie
Shayna Beeksma
Melanie Bueckert
Jonathan Kulathungam
Kristopher Kinsinger
Marie-Louise Fast
Derek Ross