Helping Our Community

We are a local firm with roots in our community that go deep; this is where we live, work and play.

Where we “serve our community” by providing individuals and businesses with excellent legal services. It is where we have earned a reputation throughout the Peel Region’s legal communities for standards of excellence in representing the interests of clients from all walks of life.

About Tannahill, Lockhart & Clark

Blogs and Articles

Distracted Driving
Compensation for Injured Airline Passengers in an International World
What is a Litigation Guardian? Who Needs One? Should I be One?
Recreational Trails And Non-Urban Property Use: “Risks Willingly Assumed”
Who Pays for Car Accident Injuries?
How Insurance Companies ‘Defend’ Car Accident Claims
What is a Catastrophic Impairment?
A Primer on Constructive Dismissal: Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late
Accident Benefits and the Challenge of Chronic Pain
Personal Debts : Recovery of a Cash Loan Without a Contract
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